The WHIZBANG DASHBOARD contains file manipulation and maintainence tools.
Transforms data between Absorbance and Extinction Coefficient k, or between Absorption coefficieng Alpha and Extinction Coefficient k.
Calculates absorbance of thin film on substrate, ignoring interference effects. Inputs are (a) the sample (thin film on substrate) transmittance spectrum, (b) the substrate transmittance spectrum, and (c) the film thickness.
Adds a permanent copyright message (user selected) into the audit log of the file.
Displays information about a file, including audit tracking in the file log.
Displays a particular subfile of a multifile.
Allows user to reset units on a data file.
Links to Galactic application Interpol.ab, for interpolating files.
Transforms spectra of dielectric constants into interband transition strengths.
GRAMS mfutils.ab multifile operations, altered for Electronic Structure Tools. Contains text-file import to build multifiles. Build multifile from single files, break a multifile into single files, truncate a multifile along X or Z axis, reverse order of subfiles, rotate 90 degrees (ie. SPC to CGM).
Changes x_axis units between nm and eV.
Snips and shifts spectra.
Links to Galactic application Zap.ab.